Spark72018-08-24 01:07:34
Search Engine Optimization
Spark7, 2018-08-24 01:07:34

Are many pages in the index bad?

Online store, filled with about 3k products, but almost all orders are from about 50 of them, because. deliberately pumped and they are unique, the rest copy competitors to one degree or another.
There are 5-6k pages with subcategories in the Yasha index, etc. in fact, do I delete duplicates from the index or will it not affect in any way and let them hang and no-no bring clients?
I hope I explained clearly)

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3 answer(s)
Evgeny Yudin, 2018-08-24

If these are really complete duplicates of pages, then of course it is better to close them from indexing in the robot or in another way (for example, canonicals or rel prev next for pagination) to show search engines that these are technical pages.
In other cases, I would not touch the pages, many pages useful to the user in the index are good. Categories, tags and subsections in the index, if these are not duplicates, then they will positively affect the ranking of the site as a whole.

Dimonchik, 2018-08-24

see search console and yandex webmaster where traf

Puma Thailand, 2018-08-24

If there are transitions and reference mass on them, feel free to delete them

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