CatCotCod2020-08-24 10:12:25
CatCotCod, 2020-08-24 10:12:25

Are employee positions updated automatically in Bitrix24?

Are employee positions updated automatically if there is a load from 1s? And if this does not happen, then what should be checked?

Boxed, 1s zoom 8.1.

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin, 2020-08-24

Boxed, 1s zoom 8.1.

If according to such parameters, then she should not be friends with Bitrix even in pant mode.
Specify the correct release number of the ZuP.

Andrey Nikolaev, 2020-08-25

Are employee positions updated automatically if there is a load from 1s?

If we are talking about full-time integration with a standard module, then the update occurs when the following circumstances coincide:
1) ZUP unloads employee positions in xml (you can see it in the xml export file)
2) In Bitrix24, in the "Intranet" module settings on the "Import" tab in the updated fields marked the field "Position"
3) Uses a regular exchange mechanism (it was not customized either from the side of 1s or from the side of Bitrix24).
Check what?
- Whether the position values ​​are uploaded from users (the last upload can be viewed on the portal in the upload/1c_intranet/ folder)
- Is the field for import checked in the module settings
- Whether the exchange was customized by Bitrix24 (possibly a user change event handler that prohibits changing this field)

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