Mixa2016-04-17 17:59:03
Mixa, 2016-04-17 17:59:03

Any GIF experts out there?

Some gifs after uploading to the site are buggy in a strange way - they appear on the bottom and right strips of some kind
And some are buggy, while others are not. relationships such as size or number of frames were not found.
I don't even know which way to dig.

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2 answer(s)
HamSter, 2016-04-17

It is very likely that when creating the animation on one of the frames, there was still a substrate (background)

Zempik, 2016-04-17

There are some problems with the size, since this GIF is without a background - olga-tereshchenko.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2016/0...
But this one is already with a background - olga-tereshchenko.com.ua/ wp-content/uploads/2016/0...
Difference in name: ...Circle.gif and ...Circle-610x610.gif
To be honest, my eyes already hurt from this animation, so I can’t look further for the problem

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