Demid Borodin2014-12-14 19:05:52
Demid Borodin, 2014-12-14 19:05:52

Angular + Laravel Get Request Validation?

There is a small application in Angular + Laravel.
There is an Angular application config

crmApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider',
    function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {

            .when('/', {
                controller: 'CrmIndexController',
                templateUrl: 'templates/crmIndex.html'
            .when('/workpeople', {
                controller: 'CrmWorkPeopleIndexController',
                templateUrl: 'templates/workpeopleIndex.tpl.html'
            .when('/workpeople/show/id/:workerId', {
                controller: 'CrmWorkPeopleShowController',
                templateUrl: './templates/workpeople-show.tpl.html'
            .when('/workpeople/edit', {
                controller: 'CrmWorkPeopleEditController',
                templateUrl: './templates/workpeopleEdit.html'
            .when('/workpeople/delete', {
                controller: 'CrmWorkPeopleDeleteController',
                templateUrl: './templates/workpeopleDelete.html'
            .when('/map', {
                controller: 'CrmMapController',
                templateUrl: './templates/mapIndex.html'
                redirectTo: '/'


As you can see, $routeParams is received in one of the routes.
Next, we pass it to one of the controllers, where it is used to compose a query string for the "API" of my application.
crmApp.controller('CrmWorkPeopleShowController', ['$scope', '$http', '$routeParams', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams) {

    $scope.watispage = 'Сотрудник';

    $scope.workerId = "api/workpeople/id/" + $routeParams.workerId;

        function (result) {
            $scope.workpeople = result.data;

The actual ID in the database is of type INT and only INT.
That is, with a request like:
/workpeople/show/id/2132132 - the route should work and send a request to our ID.
And when requesting (for example):
/workpeople/show/id/dsad123 - a route with a redirect to the main page of the application should be executed and, most importantly, do not make a GET request to our IP itself.
What do you think is the best way to implement this feature?

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2 answer(s)
Nikita Gushchin, 2014-12-14

Try adding a resolve to the route:

resolve: {
    validation: function ($q, $routeParams) {
        var deferred = $q.defer(),
            id = parseInt($routeParams.id, 10);

        if (!isNaN(id)) {
        } else {
            deferred.reject('VALIDATION FAILED');

        return deferred.promise;

Terminaft, 2014-12-14

1) Validation is needed on the side of Angular and Laravel at the same time
2) On the side of Angular, you can simply not consider the path 'workpeople/show/id/dsad123' as declared in the config

.when('/workpeople/show/id/{workerId:\d+}', {

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