miglitut2014-05-18 14:30:28
miglitut, 2014-05-18 14:30:28

Android emulator analogue

You need an emulator with internet support. With support for only one Wi-Fi - not suitable, you need to emulate 3G or H Internet. Better H of course, if it is.
android sdk (AVD Manager.exe) is not suitable - for some reason the Internet disappears constantly. I want to try something else.
You need a resolution of 800x600 and android 4.2.2 without decorations, the ability to take a photo of the screen (printscreen), the ability to run an application created for the phone. Play market and account is desirable.

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2 answer(s)
AgentSIB, 2014-05-18

In general, Adnroid Debug Monitor can do this. joxi.ru/tpt4U_3JTJAkU81DyQY

CloudMonster, 2014-05-18

Try Genymotion

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