0xC0CAC01A2022-02-13 18:57:04
0xC0CAC01A, 2022-02-13 18:57:04

Android 12 reboots indefinitely. What are the ways to cure without a full reset?

The phone with Android 12 reboots and, without having time to draw anything but a logo on a black background, reboots again, and so on ad infinitum. What are the ways to cure without a full reset?

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DENIS Kokorev, 2022-02-15

How do I boot into safe mode on my phone?
Why do you need to start your Android device in safe mode? There can be several reasons, but troubleshooting is the most likely. If you're experiencing certain issues, booting into safe mode should help you better understand the issue. If your device is restarting, freezing, or some third-party apps are crashing or slow, try Android Safe Mode.

  • Press and hold the Power button until the Power menu appears.
  • Press and hold the shutdown icon until a pop-up appears. It should inform you about safe mode and offer options to enter safe mode or cancel the action.
  • Click OK to boot into safe mode. enter safe mode on android
  • Once the device boots into safe mode on Android, you will see a safe mode bar at the bottom of the screen.

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