Viktor2014-02-05 21:10:09
Viktor, 2014-02-05 21:10:09

And how did you solve the issue with bookmarks in Opera 15+?

I have used and have been using opera since childhood.
However, after Opera 15, I seemed to have lost the meaning of life. The most ideal system of multi-level bookmarks, with the most amazing access to them through a beautiful sidebar ... all this has gone somewhere ...
What I just did not try to do. And switched to chrome, and to the Yandex browser. Not that. Evernotes are all the same, not that. It seems to have stopped at Tabsbook - you can live, but suddenly Opera 19 came out, and for some reason the tabsbook felt complete freedom - I decided to replace the built-in express panel that was familiar and convenient for me with my own. Tired of all this, demolished.
And now I'm looking again.
Therefore, I appeal to the forces of the collective mind to share their options for solving the problem.

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8 answer(s)
ferasinka, 2014-02-05

I solved this problem with Firefox

Petrusha Ukropov, 2014-02-05

Remained at 12 =)

Vladimir, 2014-02-05


Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2014-02-05

I'm using the Bookmarks Manager extension

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2014-02-05

Didn't use the sidebar.

grishao, 2014-03-06

Good afternoon! I am a tabsbook service administrator. After updating Opera (from version 19), they changed the home page url that was defined in our application, which caused tabsbook to stop opening as the default page. Now we have already fixed this problem and sent an updated version of the extension (ver. 1.22) for moderation, one of these days it should become available for installation.
You can also go to tabsbook simply through the link www.tabsbook.ru, or set it as the home page manually through the browser settings, then no browser updates will affect.
Sorry for the inconvenience. All your information is safe.

grishao, 2014-03-06

Also, all your pages that are saved in tabsbook are available from any browser, chrome, opera, safari, firefox, yandex browser. For each of them, we have our own extension that improves usability.

ncux0nam, 2014-04-04

Worth Opera 20. Installed Download Chrome Extension. Through the xmarxs extension downloaded from the store, Google synchronized the bookmarks.
I installed the Bookmarks Menu from the same store, set the options to display favicon.ico via getfavicon.appspot.com because the synchronization deprived the thumbnails and if there weren’t more than 5 bookmarks, I would manually add them. I put Add Bookmark in the opera store.

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