Web__Nikita032019-07-23 17:34:37
Web__Nikita03, 2019-07-23 17:34:37

Am I using OOP principles correctly?

I understand how to create a class, create methods. initialize the class...
But I don't understand how to write OOP style correctly. Most of the articles I found end up calling a class method. I wrote authorization, tell me if I write correctly in the OOP style
. The csv file looks like login, password.
give_num function

def give_num(message=''):
    """Give number"""
    while True:
            num = int(input(message))
        except Exception:
            print('Надо ввести число!')
    return num

main file
# !usr/bin/env python3
# Virtual Pet.

import signin
import need_func as nf

num_func = 0
welcome_message = (
    f'Добрый день!\n'
    f'Вы играете в игру My Pet\n'
    f'Вам надо ухаживать за вашим домашним питомцем.\n'
    f'Но для начало надо авторизоваться.\n'
    f'Выберете нужное вам действие:\n\n'
    f'1) Авторизоваться\n'
    f'2) Регистрация\n'
    f'3) Выйти\n'

while num_func != 3:
    num_func = nf.give_num('Введите число от 1 до 3: ')
    if num_func == 1:
        """Sign in user."""
        sign_in = signin.SignIn('users.csv')
        logs = sign_in.sign_in()
        if logs['status_code'] == 200:
            LOGIN = logs['login']
        elif logs['status_code'] == 400:
    elif num_func == 2:
    elif num_func == 3:
        print('У меня нет такой команды, введите число в диапазоне от 1 до 3')

Work file (parent for authorization and registration)
# !usr/bin/env python
# Work with login and Password.

import csv
import need_func as nf

class Work(object):
    """Здесь будет документация"""
    __users = {}
    message_error = (
        '1) Попробовать снова\n'
        '2) Выйти\n'

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            for i in csv.reader(f):
                self.__users[i[0]] = i[1]

    def get_login():
        """В будущем будет документация"""
        return input('Введите ваш логин: ')

    def get_password():
        """В будущем будет документация"""
        return nf.give_text('Введите пароль: ')

    def users(self):
        return self.__users

Authorization itself
# !usr/bin/env python
# Sign in users

import need_func as nf
from worked import Work

class SignIn(Work):
    """В будущем будет документация"""

    def __init__(self, path):

    def __check_login(self):
        """В будущем будет документация"""
        while True:
            login = Work.get_login()
            if login in self.users:
                return {
                    'status_code': 200,
                    'login': login
                print('Такого логина не существует\n' + self.message_error)
                num_func = nf.give_num('Надо ввести число от 1 до 2: ')
                if num_func == 2:
                    return {
                        'status_code': 400,
                        'login': login

    def __check_password(self, login):
        """В будущем будет документация"""
        while True:
            password = Work.get_password()
            if self.users[login] == password:
                return 200
                print('Извините, но пароль не подходит\n' + self.message_error)
                num_func = nf.give_num('Надо ввести число от 1 до 2: ')
                if num_func == 2:
                    return 400

    def sign_in(self):
        """В будущем будет документация"""
        logs = self.__check_login()
        if logs['status_code'] != 200:
            return logs
        login = logs['login']
        status_password = self.__check_password(login)
        if status_password == 200:
            return {
                'status_code': 200,
                'login': login
            return {
                'status_code': 400,
                'login': login

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Tikhonov, 2019-07-24

how to write in OOP style

There is a cool site with an example of how to write in the OOP style correctly. Another question, is it necessary? In your task - it is not necessary. OOP is about having reusable code, extensible logic, multiple implementations. Books usually cite a window manager that runs on multiple operating systems as an example. There, yes, OOP saves. And, sorry, input-output in a cycle, OOP does not require.

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