ff0xff2018-10-28 16:13:06
ff0xff, 2018-10-28 16:13:06

Algorithm to find the longest path in a directed graph?

Good time of the day, tell me the name of the algorithm that allows you to
Find the longest path in a directed graph, where each edge has a weight.
(not using blunt enumeration)

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2 answer(s)
Wataru, 2018-11-01

In an acyclic directed graph, the simplest is DFS.
A recursive function that returns the longest path from a given vertex. Remembering the answer - if we have already launched from this vertex, we return the already calculated result. Otherwise, iterate over all edges from this vertex and take the maximum of dfs from the end of the edge + the length of the edge. We remember this maximum and return the result.

ProfBiss, 2018-10-28

You can start your search here Finding the longest path in a directed acyclic...
Longest path problem

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