TuiKiken2010-09-27 15:00:27
TuiKiken, 2010-09-27 15:00:27

AJAX request in jQuery. How to get rid of Access-Control-Request-Headers header?

Hello. It is necessary with the help of javascript to extract data from an xml file generated on a remote server. All I could think of was to make an ajax request to the xml file.
But jQuery sends an OPTIONS request instead of a GET request.
It turned out that this request is sent by Firefox in the case of a cross-domain request, when non-standard headers are sent. In jQuery's case it seems like:
Access-Control-Request-Headers: x-requested-with

How to get rid of this header? Or maybe there are other ways to pull information from xml?

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3 answer(s)
kuzalex2, 2010-12-15

This is a cross domain AJAX security policy, like flash's crossdomain.xml, the remote server must allow it to be used. If this is possible, then here is the theory - metajack.im/2010/01/19/crossdomain-ajax-for-xmpp-http-binding-made-easy/ , here is the working method - blog.dgorbunov.ru/2009/05/jquery -mochiweb-options.html

metakey, 2010-09-27

You can configure nginx on the server native for the script so that it unloads remote xml on some request /getxml?params.

nikitammf, 2010-09-27

here is a small jquery plugin

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