Anxiety2017-02-11 00:48:43
Anxiety, 2017-02-11 00:48:43

Adobe Animate CC why scripts do not work after uploading to the server?

I installed Adobe Animate CC 2017 and was happy - everything is like in a flash. Everything is clear and easy. Made a banner. Published, having received 2 files: one with .html resolution, fluorine .js and a folder with images images.
And everything would be great. When you run the .html file from a computer, the browser opens it and plays it, but once you upload it all via ftp to the server, nothing is shown except for the background color and the preloader. I understand that the scripts do not work. Why is this happening? What to do? I didn't find my problem anywhere .Help!

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Karabanov, 2017-02-11

The paths to the files are probably wrong. It's hard to say without seeing what's inside the file with the extension (I emphasize with the extension, not the resolution).html.

Anxiety, 2017-02-11

All paths are correct. The problem was not in this.
This is weird BUT! it turned out that there are Russian words in the .js file. Namely, when creating an animation, the program (I have it in Russian) names the animation in Russian (in the library) and then outputs these Russian names to the script. The problem was solved after I renamed all the animations in the library to literal manually. But it's just not possible to work that way.
Then the question is how to make her immediately give English names? Russian version to English reinstall? (((some kind of bullshit (((

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