SANYAAAASSSS2018-06-22 11:35:13
SANYAAAASSSS, 2018-06-22 11:35:13

Adding entries to google sheets using php?

Who is familiar with api google sheets, could you tell me what is wrong with this code? Throws an error on the last line of code. Please do not post links to documentation. Thank you!

$range = 'A1';
$spreadsheetId = '1vH3VkRoD3NIyuzxjl-eO8EnNLFbS32pvn2ztahSQ';
$values = [
        'Какой-то текст'
$body = new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange([
  'values' => $values
$body->majorDimension = 'ROWS'
$params = [
  'valueInputOption' => 'RAW'
$result = $service->spreadsheets_values->append($spreadsheetId, $range,$body,$params);

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