theicelander882014-03-01 11:37:12
theicelander88, 2014-03-01 11:37:12

Add class="t ymodal" url="window" to the button tag

I'm using bootsrap and to align their .btn class buttons I wrap them in
<div class="btn-group-vertical">.
But the problem is that only buttons that start with the tag are aligned
And I also use view buttons

<a class="t ymodal" url="окно"><button class="btn btn-info"> Открыть окно</button></a>

Unfortunately, they don't line up.
How can I straighten them out?
If you change, do this:
<button class="btn btn-info"><a class="t ymodal" url="окно"> Открыть окно</a></button>

The button will align, but the window will not open.
As I understand it, <div class="btn-group-vertical">it only aligns <button>, but how can I make it align and
<a class="t ymodal" url="окно"><button class="btn btn-info"> Открыть окно</button></a>

Can you <button>add something to the tag class="t ymodal" url="окно"? Or is there some other way to align these buttons?

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2014-03-01

First: why are you not satisfied <button>with the tag, why use the tag <a>?
Second: in TBS3, the btn-group-vertical selector is cascaded with btn, etc. and not with <button>, but the tag <a>is an inline element, in order for everything to work, you need to convert it to block:
or via css:

<a class="t ymodal" url="окно">
<button class="btn btn-info"> Открыть окно</button>
- complete nonsense! For the first time I see that the button is placed inside the link :) this will be correct:
<a class="t ymodal btn btn-info" url="окно">Открыть окно</a>
and don't forget to convert to lowercase in css:
.t {display:block;}

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