Nikolai Alexandrov2011-01-24 08:27:26
mobile connection
Nikolai Alexandrov, 2011-01-24 08:27:26

Accounting for corporate cellular communication expenses

In most organizations, in order to perform production duties, employees are issued corporate SIM cards with a certain monetary limit per month. Each new reporting month, employees of the payroll department or accounting department, compare the amount of expenses per month for a specific person with the established limit. If an overspending is detected, then the employee is withheld the amount of overspending from the salary.

Is there any specialized program for such accounting?

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11 answer(s)
sladkoezhka, 2011-01-24

The operator provides a detailed expense report. What is the problem?

Rafael Osipov, 2011-01-24

I would do so.
1. Download all text from PDF to a text file. Extracting text from pdf is implemented in many languages ​​and is easy to google for the words extract text from pdf
2. Writing a parser for this text file. If the structure of the report from the operator does not change, then the parsing of the received text will work for subsequent reports too.

zavant, 2011-01-24

Which operator? At Beeline, we did this on the operator's side. The contract prescribed limits on the numbers that the organization paid for. If there is an overrun, then the employee pays out of his own pocket.

Nikolai, 2011-01-24

If you really have more than 600 numbers, then dial your manager and report your desire to change the operator for the reason stated above. I am sure they will do much more for you than just "Sorry, we do not have such a service."

BigD, 2011-01-24

Beeline corporate (> 1500 users) - monthly we download from the site full details (> 100 Mb CSV) and drive it into Oracle.
Orakl combines similar accruals and transfers them to a self-written application on Lotus Domino.
Domino takes data on user limits from the service desk of the system, sends notifications about overspending to users via workflow.
Users mark personal calls, the company pays for the rest. The data is uploaded to Excel for accounting in a form ready for deductions.
There is nothing difficult in writing such a system once.

sladkoezhka, 2011-01-24

use macros

beho1der, 2011-01-24

A similar problem would have made MTS on its website a special template for legal entities such an ordinary ... exh dreams, dreams!

Puma Thailand, 2011-01-24

mts sends data to us in excel, pull them out, let's say vba the same.

Hizof, 2011-01-24

For Beeline, I wrote a parser in Java.
Pdf opened with Apache PDFBox, and created excel file Java Excel API.

Ulex, 2011-03-16


Eugene, 2013-02-27

For these purposes, we have been using the DetAnalyzer program for several years already mtsoft.ru/da/setup.shtml
We maintain a list of employees, phones issued to them, SIM cards, limits, cost centers, etc. in Excel. and then the necessary data is reduced to one sheet and loaded into the program along with the details that are obtained from the mobile provider. After 10-15 minutes of work, the output is a readable report with statistics. If you wish, you can download statistics for individual employees to see what exactly was the overrun. After that, the report is transferred to the accounting department, which deals with posting costs.

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