Daniel2019-02-15 19:19:56
Daniel, 2019-02-15 19:19:56

A WordPress theme where you can register and create your profile?

Hello, the task is to file a small site to test a niche, the point is to gather room designers, developers and performers in one place, each of them can register on the site, fill out a profile, indicating information about their activities, company, etc., in this way all three types of specialists can communicate with each other, negotiate cooperation
. I have already gone over a bunch of topics, I can’t find anything sensible, but you will hesitate to do it from scratch, because this is a test of a niche and it makes no sense to invest much

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Druzhaev, 2019-02-24

WP-Recall plugin and lx connects simply by placing a shortcode. The topic doesn't matter here. For deeper integration under the freelance exchange, the store has several child themes https://codeseller.ru/prodcat/dochernie-shablony/ but they are redundant for you.
The plugin works smartly - because. uses its minimization of styles and scripts and its own object caching functionality. In order to check here and now - it is quite enough. Of course, it’s worth taking a couple of hours to watch the video and most of the questions will clear up for you https://codeseller.ru/post-group/video-dlya-novich...

Dim Boy, 2019-02-16

UserPro plugin

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