iTaurusi2018-09-11 07:00:59
Web development
iTaurusi, 2018-09-11 07:00:59

A project from start to finish?

Hello. I'm learning web development as a hobby. I decided to make my own project for practice. There are a lot of ideas, but how to implement it is still unclear, especially the backend.
There are a billion guides on the net, but they are all the same, and not very useful.
So, tell me, please, how is the development in a real project. How are the stages? First, the front, then the back is added, or vice versa, or is everything done at the same time?
I just think to do what I can, namely the frontend, and leave the backend to knowledgeable people. Because I do not understand how to work with the database.
In general, there is a mess in my head, I would like to understand the correct stages of project development, in order to avoid mistakes.

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2 answer(s)
index0h, 2018-09-11

how development works in a real project. How are the stages? First, the front, then the back is added, or vice versa, or is everything done at the same time?

1. Statement of product specification. This is a definition of what actually needs to be done, for example, add to the main calendar.
2. Coordination of stages and rules of interaction, API documentation.
3. Statement of tasks, for layout, for the front, for the back.
4. Creation of a common branch for a feature.
5. For each task - implementation -> test coverage -> code review -> code injection into the main branch.
6. Expanding a branch on a test bench, setting a task for QA.
7. Merge the branch into master.
8. Feature release on production.
9. Re-testing QA already in production.

Anatoly Medvedev, 2018-09-11

First, you design all user scenarios on the site. Then you go and show and explain how it all works to those specialists. He gives an assessment of the possibility of implementing this miracle and says where you screwed up in terms of logic (and you screwed up). If the specialist gave the go-ahead, then you go to draw everything and typeset. You get stars for doing some shit. ???? PROFIT!

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