danielz2017-07-06 14:04:34
Computer networks
danielz, 2017-07-06 14:04:34

A guide to using the internet for the elderly?

Has anyone seen this guide? We bought a tablet for my grandmother, she wants to use the Internet.
I would like to see in the manual about the general basics of networking, client-server, browser, hosting, sites.
List of recommended sites, what is a search engine, how to make requests.
What are social networks, what are blogs and trolling.
There are even thoughts of writing this yourself, but why repeat the work if someone has already written this?

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2 answer(s)
Alex Setup, 2017-07-06

Here: protabletpc.ru/advice/planshet-dlya-chaynikov.html

Александр Левин: Android на планшетах и смартфонах.
Торельсон, Бушуев, Прокоди: Планшет. Самоучитель работы на планшетном компьютере с ANDROID. 
Прокоди Р.Г.: Планшет. Самоучитель работы на планшетном компьютере с Android.

Ideally, you should write your own. Since such manuals quickly become outdated!

CityCat4, 2017-07-06

Much depends on how old the grandmother is, what she did before she became a grandmother... The kingdom of heaven to her, and could not learn how to use it)

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