IrkDesigner2012-08-15 06:45:36
Software and Internet Services
IrkDesigner, 2012-08-15 06:45:36

A free screensavers program?

Good afternoon! In order to train staff, a program was needed that could make screensavers from drawings. The requirements are as follows:
Ability to compile screensavers to *.scr (standard windows screensavers format) to distribute these screensavers to all office PCs.
Working with Windows XP, 7.
Please do not downvote, the program is really needed, I could not find anything in Google, shareware is offered everywhere, which does not suit me.

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3 answer(s)
foxyovovich, 2012-08-15


Slideshow (save slideshow as EXE/SCR or burn it to CD)

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2012-08-15

Hm. Some strange staff training using the screen saver method. Can you clarify why exactly it is proposed to do training and what exactly?

MicRaiS, 2012-08-15

Free Dolphin Screensaver

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