Artem2017-03-13 23:21:27
Artem, 2017-03-13 23:21:27

Yii2 skewed form on site?

Inserted into a stupor. I want to make a sloppy feedback form on the site.
To create models in each controller is not true.
As I understand it, we are creating a view that is connected to layout.
Further specifies controller/action in Action of the form and we drive on pjax.
Am I talking right? maybe there are other options?

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4 answer(s)
Skrolea, 2017-03-14

Will widgets help here?

lem_prod, 2017-03-13

In principle, I would do this ... plus it can be even simpler, a regular POST form, and in the controller a redirect to the refferer

Alexey, 2017-03-13

Make a separate Action for processing the form and the view model (CallbackForm for example) and specify this action in the necessary controllers.

Access Denied, 2017-03-14

google - yii2 widget feedback

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