My joy2019-12-27 16:10:00
My joy, 2019-12-27 16:10:00

Yii2 Private instant messaging for site users?

I'm looking for a private (and instant) messaging module for a yii2 project - I can't find anything. I already agree to any sensible open source (without framework).
Found only for laravel: https://github.com/nahid/talk
Does anyone know something similar? You just need a personal in the form of a messenger (as on Avito or similar)

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3 answer(s)
Maxim, 2020-12-30

There are no ready ones. Since instant messaging like Avito is difficult to do without websocket or similar technologies. Therefore, there are no ready-made extensions. Look for something simple in php and integrate it into yii2.

My joy, 2020-12-30

In general, I decided to use xmpp-server and js-client to it, and already connect the whole thing with yii2.
If anyone finds an im-messenger for yii2 - let me know, it will probably come in handy for many.

hostadmin, 2020-02-26

Here, for example:
Fancy, but nailed with fontawesome and kartik
Simpler https://github.com/visionp/yii2-private-messages

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