Maila2017-09-08 21:06:05
Maila, 2017-09-08 21:06:05

Yii2-advanced How to display images in fronted?

The blog module is connected as an application. The site is also divided into public_html, yii (fronted, common, backend) In the backend of the blog, pictures are loaded via kartik\widgets\FileInput and fotorama. On the main page, photos in posts are now displayed only from imperavi-widget. How can I make these also show up?67e131127b684e34be1127f1fb012dfb.jpgfde7e236b5b9402d8221d0970c8053ba.jpg

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1 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2017-09-08

The blog module is connected as an application.

Are you sure? The structure does not show another application. Maybe as an extension?
fotorama is clearly superfluous in this phrase, because it is a gallery, not a downloader.
Just like what?

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