Ilya Beloborodov2016-06-24 00:26:02
Ilya Beloborodov, 2016-06-24 00:26:02

Yii1, why doesn't order work?

Here is the connection in the model

return array(
  'childs'=>[self::HAS_MANY,'Category','parent_id','order'=>'t.id_category DESC'],

Here is the request

for some reason it ignores 't.id_category DESC', even if I put 't.id_category ASC' - the result will be the same

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2 answer(s)
arab789, 2016-06-24

Try order to write down in request.

Andrew, 2016-06-24

Do you need an alias t?
seems to just recommend

'varName'=>array('relationType', 'className', 'foreign_key', 'order'=>'column ASC')

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