Ivan Ignatiev2015-10-28 21:36:28
Ivan Ignatiev, 2015-10-28 21:36:28

Yii 1: Why does dynamicRender die (without logs) on CListView?

With the first Yii, one might say, did not work. I ran into this problem and I don't understand what's going on.
It is necessary to display a dynamic block with news in a static, fully cached page.
In the layout I write: In the controller:

public function renderNews() {
     return $this->renderPartial('//layouts/news', array(
         'news'=>$this->getPagesByParentId(185, 3)//  >:(
         ), true);

Where getPagesByParentId returns an instance of CActiveDataProvider:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->alias = 'page';
$criteria->condition = 'parent_id = :parentId & status = 1';
$criteria->distinct = true;
$criteria->order = 'create_time DESC, alias ASC';

$criteria->params = array(':parentId'=>$parentId);

return new CActiveDataProvider($this->loadModelById($parentId), array(
     'criteria' => $criteria,
     'pagination' => array(
         'pageSize' => $limit,

And, of course, layouts/news:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

As a result, I get a broken page consisting of a piece of layout with placeholders like <###dynamic-1###> in place of dynamicRenders. All logs are included and fall on the mail, but there is nothing in them except 404x from the lost icon. Such is the sudden death.

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2015-10-28

Server logs, as I understand it, and that in the $app/runtime/logs/app.log logs,
errors are usually written there.

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