Aryeh Leonid R.2010-11-17 14:35:25
Software testing
Aryeh Leonid R., 2010-11-17 14:35:25

XML-RPC library for ANSI C Embedded System

To test a certain Embedded System, it is necessary to implement the XML-RPC protocol (server).
The client is written in Python.
Which library to choose?
Library requirements:
— Open source;
- stable and proven;
- for a system written in ANSI C;
- easily (!) assembled under Linux (preferably also under Windows) "without a file";
- with a minimum development time, examples and high-quality documentation are desirable;
- compact;
- in the future, to implement remote callbacks (callbacks), a client may also be needed.

Thanks in advance for the answers on the merits, personal experience is welcome.

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