Alexey Pomogaev2011-05-24 10:20:02
Alexey Pomogaev, 2011-05-24 10:20:02

Xen vs KVM vs OpenVZ on own dedik (Debian)?

I'm planning to get an intel i7 dedik and I'm thinking of making virtual environments in Debian for several of my websites. For example, raise several tomcats so that it is possible to reload / update only the necessary websites, and not all at once. Make also a separate Wirth. machine for one python site.

You also need the ability to periodically run calculations in the tomcat container, which will load the entire system, so you somehow want to slow them down (put them on a separate tomcat instance) so that resources remain for websites. It also makes sense to allocate fewer resources to idle sites.

I think for this Wirth. machines the most convenient solution? But what is better to choose for such tasks OpenVZ, KVM or Xen?

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7 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2011-05-24

KVM. I'm already tired of crucifying about his dignity.

sply, 2011-05-24

For Dedik, it's easier to use KVM. There is less risk of having a broken machine due to some error in the xen boot configuration or the kernel for it.

rdolgov, 2011-05-24

maybe openvz?

Puma Thailand, 2011-05-24

Use the one that is convenient for you, about everything is the same for them.
The only thing is that in proxmox I could not run the seven in kvme.

pentarh, 2011-05-24

There will be problems with openvz limits and a toad. Although you can put simply unattainable values ​​in the limits - the server is your own and you need not so much limits as isolation of environments, as I understand it.
but in general IMHO purple. except that openvz works out of the box, without installing any user-friendly stray, just like that, from the console. And on kvm and xens, you need to install all sorts of libvirts, proxmoxes, etc. By the way, Proxmox also works with openvz.

NibiruanChild, 2011-05-24

With openvz, a lot of trouble can arise with Java.
XEN is a hypervisor with all the pluses and minuses, to some extent even the main OS will become a virtual machine. that is, you can configure it unsuccessfully and this can affect the entire Dedik.
kvm is just a great virtual machine.
From KVM and XEN for these purposes, especially on the dedicator, I would choose KVM. Although most likely for most tasks there will be no difference.

Alex, 2016-03-16

If Dedik, then KVM. After one very bad hoster (I won’t say, no one canceled karma :)) I moved from XEN to bpw.sc/ru on KVM and I boldly say that it’s better.

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