bufon1122018-05-25 15:14:30
bufon112, 2018-05-25 15:14:30

Wrong mysql query?

Good afternoon.
There is a table:
The competition table stores information about ongoing competitions:
competition_id (competition ID);
competition_name (competition name);
world_record (world record);
set_date (the date the world record was set);
It is created and filled with data.
The essence of the request - Select the name and world results for all competitions established on 12-05-2010 or 15-05-2010.
Wrote this query:

select competition_name,world_record from competition where set_date = 12-05-2010 or set_date = 17-05-2010;

Well, it didn't work
. Tell me where is the mistake?

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1 answer(s)
Lander, 2018-05-25

SELECT `competition_name`, `world_record` FROM `competition` WHERE `set_date` = '2010-05-12' OR `set_date` = '2010-05-17'

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