Sergey2011-04-03 13:40:50
Sergey, 2011-04-03 13:40:50

Writing a CMS based on a framework?

Actually, I have been writing my own CMS for a long time (for specific needs) - recently I decided to implement a more or less universal CMS based on a framework ( YII ) . When I wrote the foundation, it turned out that resource consumption is unreasonably high, and it’s not possible to beautifully implement it without changing the key methods of the framework (for example, the init() method of the YiiBase class ). At this stage, development is going on, so to speak, just for fun.
So far there are only three options:

  1. Writing based on YII without touching the framework itself
  2. Optimization of the YII core, the consequence of which will be cutting out the superfluous and partial rewriting of the base classes.
  3. Writing your own relatively lightweight framework with a structure as close to YII as possible (for me, this structure seems the easiest to understand) with the ability, of course, by making small changes, to connect YII components.

The first two methods are good because in this case the applications will be identical in structure to YII applications. Although the third way implies this, but the structure can be slightly simplified in this case.
What do you think is better in terms of optimization? And in general, if a normal system based on YII appeared (the existing ones are far from ideal), would this spread? I would like, however, that this useless labor has brought some benefit.

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2 answer(s)
edogs, 2011-04-03

CMS on Yii has the right to exist only if the upgrade of the framework to a new version does not stop its work and all the functions of the framework will work as intended. Otherwise, it will already be a CMS based on something similar to Yii and the meaning is lost.
So options 2 and 3 are out of the question.
But to option 1, it makes sense to add “removing bottlenecks” that eat resources, either with a change in the framework and a mandatory commit to Yii itself ... (if they are accepted) or through pluginization that does not change the main Yii code (let's say an additional caching layer).

JeanLouis, 2011-04-03

It's good that you realize that this is a bicycle.
If you want to write some kind of narrow CMS, then there is absolutely no need for you to use the YII framework in the form in which it is, if you think that it limits you.
In this case, options 2 and 3 remain. We need to go in the direction of minimizing costs with the same efficiency. If you can change YII to suit your needs, then the third option won't work.
But personally, for just for fun, I would prefer to do everything myself, it gives a wonderful experience.

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