SergeyCorpus2018-03-03 11:33:40
SergeyCorpus, 2018-03-03 11:33:40

Wordpress plugin for traffic tickets online?

need to implement PDD tests online as on these sites prava.tomsk.ru/test_bd xn--g1afkd6e.xn--p1ai/pdd/aiii/aiii.php maybe there is a wordpress plugin to implement such functionality

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-03-03

You can create something like this in many ways....
An easy way - https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-quiz/
There is another old plugin for creating tests -
A more complex way - custom fields with ACF + little coding.
Example - www.quickcleancode.com/create-quiz-using-advanced-...
Of course, you will need to tweak the code for yourself

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