Leonid2018-08-31 11:44:06
User identification
Leonid, 2018-08-31 11:44:06

WordPress plugin for authorization using E-mail / Password, as well as social accounts. networks?

Is there a WordPress plugin in nature that allows you to organize authorization on the site using E-mail / Password , as well as social accounts. networks?
Or do you still have to write it yourself? (((

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Druzhaev, 2018-08-31

Similar topic here Is there a plugin for login via social networks in a pop-up window for CMS wordpress?
But now I do not recommend uLogin because of their repeated downloads of partner scripts - they check the data from the forms and send: Attention! not to your server - but to third parties. They wrote about them on Habré https://habr.com/post/413233/
They themselves are aware - they sent a letter to them - they are silent. Invited to habr - they are silent. The topic hangs on the reformal and not one - they keep silent.
The WordPress administration banned this plugin - for a reason.
So if you don't want to leak admin password, backdoors - don't use it
WP Social Login https://en.wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-social-... use

Alexey, 2018-08-31

Already a year on the server in production, no glitches.
To all popular engines and social networks
upd. in the comment they suggested that it was leaking user data https://habr.com/post/413233/

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