Sergey Krivosheev2018-03-16 11:23:17
Sergey Krivosheev, 2018-03-16 11:23:17

Wordpress override theme template in plugin?

Good afternoon.
I am developing a theme and an authorization plugin myself.
Tell me how you can create your own authorization form in the plugin? no shortcodes.
I am looking for information in the direction of redefining the page-login.php template in the plugin, but the site pulls the template from the theme.
Found hooks like add_action('login_head', 'custom_loginlogo'); but did not find a hook to redefine all forms of authorization.

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2 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2018-03-16

If you mean the /wp-login.php page, where the authorization block is and the WP logo is on top, then this page does not use a template engine and is not redefined. The maximum that can be done is with the help of a few hooks (there are not many of them by the way) and custom css / js to more or less style for yourself.
An alternative option is to make your entire page and filter the values ​​of the necessary global variables:
- login_url
- logout_url
- register_url
- lostpassword_url
- edit_profile_url
- login_redirect
- logout_redirect
- registration_redirect
- lostpassword_redirect
Read more here .

Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-03-16

You can style the login form
Styling example:

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