Igor Bezlepkin2014-10-15 11:56:45
Igor Bezlepkin, 2014-10-15 11:56:45

Wordpress 4. How to create a layered content structure?

Hey! I made the taxonomy "Equipment" (equipment), in it the term "Sound equipment" (sound) and the child term "Acoustic systems" (loudspeakers).
I create a record with the term "Acoustic systems" (sound)
At the address: www.site.ru/equipment/sound and www.site.ru/equipment/sound/loudspeakers a list (arhive) of records is displayed, in my case there is only one record.
How can I make it so that at www.site.ru/equipment/ there is either an arbitrary page or pages with a list of child taxonomy terms? Same here www.site.ru/equipment/sound/

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2 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2014-10-16

Use appropriate templates. We read Hierarchy of templates . Take archive.php and copy it to taxonomy-{taxonomy_slugname}.php.

Igor Bezlepkin, 2014-10-16

For the address www.site.ru/equipment/sound it turned out to be done, but for www.site.ru/equipment
It does not work at all. The name of the taxonomy is 'categories_equipment' and the slug is 'equipment'.
taxonomy-categories_equipment-sound.php works but taxonomy-categories_equipment.php doesn't

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