JivoyRoman2019-06-25 11:31:04
JivoyRoman, 2019-06-25 11:31:04

Woodmart+WooCommerce how to translate filter items into Russian?

All health!
Site on WoodMart+WooCommerce There was a problem. Can't translate text.
For translations I use Loco Translate. In general, everything is translated normally. And even now. But there is a point that does not want to be translated. And I can't understand why.
I enabled this in the theme settings:
A menu appeared on the right, categories, a filter by price and products.
Items, Filter by price, Categories and Products are not translated.
I thought maybe the WoodMart or WooCommerce template doesn't have those lines that I'm translating. I checked, there is. If I add
and synchronize
- then an error:
I would understand if nothing would be translated at all. But everything else is translated. Checked specifically, translated other places.
Tell me what to do? Maybe the filter is somewhere else?

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2 answer(s)
Pychev Anatoly, 2019-06-25

I use the POEdit program for translations. I just changed or created a translation file, uploaded it to the right place and that's it. As long as the flight is normal

JefAir, 2020-09-09

Maybe it will be useful to someone. In fact, it can be renamed in widgets without dancing with a tambourine.

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