Ivan2020-05-05 15:17:39
Ivan, 2020-05-05 15:17:39

WooCommerce popup plugin not working. How to fix?

I have a WordPress site with a WooCommerce store.

I added the YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup plugin to pop up a window when you add an item to the cart. In order for this to work on the page of the product itself (and not just in the catalog), I installed the Ajax add to cart for WooCommerce plugin.

But for some reason, the menu on the product page does not work, everything is fine in the catalog.

As far as I understand, this is a problem in the theme itself (osmo), because it automatically adds its own menu to the product page (that is, without different plugins, it will already be there).

I found this piece of code.

$('.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt.btn.green_btn').click(function () {
        // $('#added').modal("show");
        $('.cart_counter').text(parseInt($('.cart_counter').text()) + 1);

I commented out the second line so that this window does not appear. It really stopped appearing, but the plugin window doesn't work either.

I tried to install these two plugins on my other site, everything works fine there, everything is fine.

The site that does not work - osmo.pro
The site that works - wolf.richgo.ru

Help is needed urgently. If you need any additional information, write.

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1 answer(s)
mipfikus, 2020-05-07

Perhaps the problem is in the theme, try changing to the one in which everything works exactly (as on your other sites).
Also try updating themes, plugins, wordpress, most often this solves the problem

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