d-Lugo2013-12-10 09:45:35
d-Lugo, 2013-12-10 09:45:35

With what program or online service can this video help be made?

www.asos.com/ru/130304-Unisex-How-To-Order-Ru/Cat/... - this link contains video help. I have never worked with video, but I still need to find out with the help of what (I myself think that it is probably flash, since there are interactive elements). Help comrades.

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2 answer(s)
mrThreeElephants, 2013-12-10

I won’t answer for sure - but judging by the css classes, this has something to do with ASP (lblHtml_text is often used in ASP, judging by Google: https://www.google.ru/search?client=ubuntu&channel... )
Flash on the page is not is used (in any case, flashblock did not block anything for me)
Based on the markup - the solution itself is in JS - each slide is specified in the markup as "li", the contents of the slides are visible in the html code through firebug
It is quite possible that this is a custom solution created specifically for this site.

idyll2, 2015-11-19

You can make a similar video for the site yourself on the Movie.mi service mooovie.me everything is simple there - choose the appropriate video template and edit it right on the site.

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