Sardar2011-10-29 02:50:45
Sardar, 2011-10-29 02:50:45

With the design of the training service?

There are plans to create a service with the help of which children could study various
educational material. Learning is not only traditional questions with multiple
answers, but also a variety of games.
I would like to implement an engine that would not limit the designer in the form
of presenting educational material. Starting from simple question/answer options
and interactive videos, and ending with... examples and tips are needed here. Perhaps
someone came across educational projects with the thought “this is convenient and interesting!”.
Links are required to projects, articles, books, research, keywords, anything that
will help build an image of all the possible requirements for such an engine.
Perhaps there are designers of educational material on Habré who worked
with other projects. What was convenient, and what, on the contrary, interfered with work or
limited the flight of creative thought? How would you like to organize the learning
material? How would you like to track student performance statistics?
As a result, the designer should get a convenient set of tools to create
educational material. Learning over the network, teachers monitor the results of students
and interfere in the learning process (for example, cancel tasks, or vice versa
, give the student a more difficult task than given by the system). Methods of how to
interest a student are not important in principle, they have their own ideas (starting from the
father's belt =)).
Help advice and experience.

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2 answer(s)
iLearner, 2011-10-29


vaniapooh, 2011-10-29

Perhaps it is worth taking a closer look at the experience of www.dnevnik.ru.

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