ArsNG2012-11-10 14:34:39
ArsNG, 2012-11-10 14:34:39

Windows 8 - its own live tile

Having decided to install Win8 and accordingly study the peculiarities of developing applications for the Windows Store, I immediately ran into the need to create a tile that would have a background image for the entire area (or at least a third of the tile) and on top of that, formatted as I needed text. Of course, there are many templates, but I did not find anything for such a case. It is necessary at least to manage the size and location of the text yourself, and at the same time set an image in the background. Googled ways have been removed from msdn and are not in the cache. What are the solutions to this problem?
The option of creating thousands of pictures and changing them on a timer is not offered.

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2 answer(s)
retran, 2012-11-12

Have you tried googling at all? Everything is in MSDN.
And even on Habré - habrahabr.ru/post/149219/

Beresovskiy, 2012-11-12


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