Madion2014-11-20 13:15:18
Madion, 2014-11-20 13:15:18

Will users lose their authorization after moving the site to another server?

There is a site on yii.
Many users of the site clicked "Remember me" during authorization.
If this site is transferred to another server, will users need to re-enter their login and password for authorization, or will users not notice anything - and will they also automatically log in through cookies?

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6 answer(s)
FanatPHP, 2014-11-20

As always - a bunch of primates who can't tell a session from a cookie.

Sergey Senkevich, 2014-11-20

Cookies are tied to a domain (to everything at once or to some pages). So, if your domain has changed, then users will have to log in again. And if the site just moved to another hosting or server, then the authorization will not fail.

Stanislav Tarasenko, 2014-11-20

All users will have to log in again.
Due to the fact that authorization uses sessions

Alexander, 2014-11-20
Madzhugin @Suntechnic

If your domain does not change and you transfer sessions, it will not crash.
Sessions can be stored either in the database, then there are no questions at all, or in files, in the directory specified in session.save_path

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2014-11-20

You need to copy /var/lib/php52/sess_* to the new server (if the path has not been changed to another directory or mysql/memcache).
Then they will remain logged in.

SilverSlice, 2014-11-21

You have the answer in your question. The "Remember me" feature is implemented by setting cookies in the user's browser. And your manipulations with the server will not affect the user's browser in any way, so everyone will be able to log in successfully. Sessions specifically have nothing to do with your task.

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