Therapyx2015-10-21 16:10:17
Therapyx, 2015-10-21 16:10:17

Will there be any problems when migrating projects from Win7, VS 2012, MSSQL 2010 to Win10, VS2015 Enterprise and MSSQL 2014?

Hello everyone, in general, there are asp.net c# webforms projects on Win7 with Visual Studio 2012 and MS Management Studion 2010. You need to transfer all this to a laptop where the latest versions are installed on Win 10.
Can there be serious problems when transferring these projects if yes, what are they? (and) maybe if they will, how to solve them :)

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Kovalsky, 2015-10-21

Well, transferring Management Studio is generally a painless process, it's just a client.
Updating the studio will update the version of the solution. In general, everything should go smoothly. The project file will be updated. Perhaps the target framework will change, and therefore the compiler, but if you did not use exotic constructs, everything is fine.

Roman, 2015-10-21

well, SQL 2014 supports all the features of 2010, VS 2015 fully supports webforms, ms is not going to drop this technology yet. Well, at least, I transferred projects (true silverlight) from 2012 to 2013, then in 2015, there were no special problems (except for a small problem, or rather the lack of templates and generators for WCF RIA Services).

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