havemanyquestions2018-05-09 16:15:09
Probability theory
havemanyquestions, 2018-05-09 16:15:09

Will a random cell show up in one of the three options?

There are three cells: A, B, C. When you press the button, A will always have X, B will always have 1/X (the reciprocal of X), and C will always have a random value (either X or 1/X).
After clicking the button, I get three values, but I don't know which value belongs to which cell.
Interested in cell C - random. The probability that one of the three values ​​will represent cell C is 33.3%.
If you press the button three times in a row, the two cells will always have the same values. Let's say that a random cell "weirds" and produces values ​​that are similar to one of the other cells. Is it possible? Or we can say that the third cell will definitely show itself, and in one of the three cases it will, because. There are only two values ​​in this cell and the probability of each of the two values ​​falling out is 50/50, which means that the third time will be necessarily repeated?
The use of formulas for calculation in the answer is not prohibited. )

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1 answer(s)
sim3x, 2018-05-09

The third one can give X (1/X) several times in a row
That's why pure TV is rarely used in games

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