David Petrov2019-05-22 17:36:57
David Petrov, 2019-05-22 17:36:57

Widget "Woocommerce product categories" does not work correctly in the mobile version, how to fix it?

Good afternoon!
I encountered such a problem that the product category widget in the mobile version of the site, when choosing a category, moves to the footer, how can I fix this?
Website: buyinby.by/shop

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1 answer(s)
WP Panda, 2019-05-22

This is a theme bug, you need to contact the developer, but you can try to do this Y2LybbdS79OxJA.jpg
in the file https://buyinby.by/wp-content/themes/blance/assets... transfer the scroll animation to after inserting the content

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