pikazavor2020-05-12 01:51:35
pikazavor, 2020-05-12 01:51:35

Why won't Unity compile the apk?

A very strange situation, I compiled the project, connected the USB cable to check it.
The computer hung and that's it, after restarting I decided to compile the project again. Stumbled upon these errors
Ps I'm a beginner, I just installed sdk, ndk and jdk before compiling.

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2 answer(s)
DanielMcRon, 2020-05-12

Try to google the error on the Internet, maybe something will be found. Maybe this is already a cardinal solution, but I had the same, only with a different error on version 2019.3.4f. And I could not compile for android. I reinstalled the newer version of unity along with the sdk

mopsicus, 2020-05-12

99% that the problem is with the added assets or sdk. You can try to remove all third-party scripts and then add one at a time and check. Perhaps the libraries were duplicated somewhere.

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