DUDE2020-10-01 04:02:14
DUDE, 2020-10-01 04:02:14

Why won't NGINX start?

Hello everyone, I'm trying to set up the server on which apache was originally installed, stopped its services, removed it completely (whereis shows nothing), installed Nginx, started its service, the status shows that Nginx is running, I go to the browser by the ip address of the server , but in the end it's still the welcome page from apache. What could be the problem?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Yarkov, 2020-10-01

Apache index.html remains in the /var/www/html directory, and it displays it.

Viktor Taran, 2020-10-01

you didn't delete everything from Apache, you still have it, the demon is hanging, look who is listening to the port.
2. if you are so poorly versed in a web server, then it’s better to use assemblies with a web muzzle
vestacp ispconfig3 braynycp there’s
not much point in doing it all by hand, and fine tuning can be done everywhere

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