Anatoly2018-05-26 03:52:35
Anatoly, 2018-05-26 03:52:35

Why won't Elementor load in wordpress?

Help me figure out why elementor is not loading in wordpress.
On a Windows computer, php+nginx is installed - elementor works fine.
On a computer, a debian virtual machine is installed, the php+nginx settings are the same, but elementor is not loaded.
The main difference between these sites, except for the OS, is that on Windows the site is http (site.lan), and on the virtual machine https (site.ru).
And yet, in "Elementor > System Information" which is not loaded, there is an error:

SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin " https://..domainsite...ru " from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at https://...domainsite...ru/wp-content/plugins/elem... - 2:93518

PS. I put a lot of memory - it did not help.
Here I read it did not help: https://docs.elementor.com/article/245-preview-cou...

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2 answer(s)
Anatoly, 2018-05-26

One more moment confuses, but on http works.
Here it is:
It says it can't connect to the server: my.elementor.com
I checked and indeed I can't connect to this domain from my computer.
I try to connect through an online proxy - everything works, but not without a proxy.
Although the elementor.com domain is open. Some
kind of
magic . ................ I go to the wordpress console, which is http, select "plugins> install new", for each plugin, there is a "Details" item,
Some of . ...........
Everything that comes after // is identical, that through http, that through https.
The browser is the same, just different bookmarks.
PS. In Debian, the firewall is disabled.
================================================= ============
Solution found:
on Debian in Nginx to reduce the vulnerability of the site to clickjacking attacks, I had a header:
it just prohibited loading of content in frame/iframe.
Allows loading content in a frame/iframe only if the frame and the page loading it are located on the same domain.
Flight normal! Everything is working!

startsite_studio, 2021-10-06

Disable plugins one by one in worpdress. Worked in my case. Removed the MetForm plugin and Elementor started working

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