artyomkin2020-12-21 07:30:41
artyomkin, 2020-12-21 07:30:41

Why won't apps open?

Ubuntu 20.04 after installation, everything flies, even somehow suspicious: it feels like ubunta never worked like that, it seems that it’s just in memory (not even on SSD, according to past experience, the speed of 20.04 on SSD was noticeably slower, that is, they were just some pauses are visually visible).
After a day of work, the laptop spent the night (there was an idea to check whether it would hang after a long downtime), came out of hibernation remarkably, worked like this for half an hour and the applications stopped running (the application name lights up on the panel, the download icon spins and goes out after 5 seconds, like nothing at all did not), reboot-shutdown everything works.
Only the terminal is launched (instantly, the cursor does not even blink with the loading wheel, which has always been the case) and if you call nautilus, it appears in half a minute))) The rest does not start.
Ubuntu was installed on the SSD in UEFI mode, the option to install proprietary firewood was selected through a password that must be entered after reboot (which was done).
The SSD is labeled with support for Windows and Mac, Linux is not listed on the package (Patriot Burst 120).

If I put it on Kingston 120, then everything feels normal, imperceptible pauses in work, BUT after installation, after half an hour or an hour, ubunt starts to freeze for 2-5 minutes, the work indicator on the SSD is constantly on at this time, then releases it and after some time freezes again.

What's the matter? Is the laptop just not compatible with lines at all?

ps^I’m not new to Ubuntu, I know how to install the system, I don’t do anything: I just install, update everything that is possible and install pre-known applications and work, I don’t get along anywhere, I don’t pick anything $

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1 answer(s)
rPman, 2020-12-21

what does dmesg say? usually if there is a hardware problem, there are errors pouring in.
When this happens, run applications from the terminal, and look at the error messages of this application.
ps windows on this machine with this ssd starts?

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