Polina2020-02-28 20:46:18
Polina, 2020-02-28 20:46:18

Why Object.toString(obj) != String.ValueOf(obj)?

Google writes that these methods are equivalent, except that when null ValueOf throws a NullPointerException, while toString does not.

But if you run

System.out.ptintln(Object.toString(obj) ==  String.ValueOf(obj))
java will print "false" to the console.
Please explain why this is so, ideally an explanation based on the documentation. I don’t understand on my own (I

also wonder if it’s correct to say that when writing String str = Object.toString(obj) we put a reference to the structure of the obj object in the String variable?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-02-28
Mezenina @medigi27

Because in Java, the equality operator is not applicable for checking the equality of objects. Canonical answer to this thread.

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