Vitalik2021-08-19 22:59:15
Vitalik, 2021-08-19 22:59:15

Why is watch not working in gulp?

Hello everyone, I'm setting up gulp, please tell me where the error is.?

const {src, dest} = require("gulp");

const scss = require('gulp-sass') (require('sass'));
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
const watch = require('gulp-watch');

function styles() {
return src('./src/scss/style.scss')
.pipe(scss({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
.pipe (dest('./dist/css'))

function watching() {
watch(['./src/scss/**/*.scss'], styles)

exports. styles = styles;
exports.watching = watching;

When you run (gulp watching), the inscription appears in the console that it is watching, but it does not transfer changes from the scss file to the min.css file. When I write (gulp styles), everything is transferred, but accordingly there is no tracking.

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1 answer(s)
Brendan Castaneda, 2021-08-20

I noticed that you are missing a piece here.
I think that's about it.

const { src, dest, series, watch } = require('gulp');
const scss = require('gulp-sass') (require ('sass'));
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
const build = ('build/'); // Папка готовой сборки.

function styles() {
return src('./src/scss/style.scss')
.pipe(scss({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))

function clear() { // Чистит папку билд.
    return del(build)

function stream() {
    watch(['./src/scss/**/*.scss'], series(styles))

exports.build = series(clear, styles, stream) // Запускаем по очереди задачи.

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