danilr2019-05-08 10:48:03
danilr, 2019-05-08 10:48:03

Why is the Vue @mouseover event not firing?

You need to hang an event handler on hovering over an element, but for some reason @mouseover does not work. But if you write purely js onmouseover="console.log('1')" then it works. Where is the mistake?

          v-for="(residential, index) in filtredRC.slice(0, lazyResidentials)"
          @click="handlerLayout(index, residential.id)"

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3 answer(s)
Dima Pautov, 2019-05-08

well, because for the event you need to specify the @ symbol at the beginning, like for a click

Pavel, 2017-04-17

Now come running Nostradamus

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-04-17

Two conditions are triggered when the screen is resized
can not be
Literally every pixel triggers a condition.
What language is this? What pixels and how do you work. What is it????

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