samokiller2020-09-23 20:11:10
C++ / C#
samokiller, 2020-09-23 20:11:10

Why is the sql query actually executed, but according to the program logic it says that it was not executed?

In c++ I send "insert ignore" request.
It is fulfilled, i.e. data is added to the database.
But for some reason in the log it gives out "#2 error".
And event #3 does not occur. What's wrong?

void sql(string query, MYSQL *DB)
  MYSQL_RES *res;
  MYSQL_ROW row;

  mysql_ping(DB);//Проверяем живо ли соединение

    if (!mysql_query(DB, query.c_str())) {
      if (res = mysql_store_result(DB)) {
        while (row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields(res); i++) {
      else {
        log("#2 error");//#2
    else log("#1 error");//#1

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2 answer(s)
vilinyh, 2020-09-23

If query is an insert then mysql_store_result will return 0.
You need mysql_affected_rows() to check the inserted records.

Rsa97, 2020-09-23

Why after successful returns of mysql_quer...

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