Sergej5em2021-08-10 12:34:15
Sergej5em, 2021-08-10 12:34:15

Why is the site twitching and layout text running into each other in Chrome mobile?

Hello, I ran into an amazing problem, when scrolling the mobile version of the site on the Chrome browser, and it’s from mobile phones, if you do it from the desktop chrome, everything is fine. , scroll up and down. Then bam and a bug appears - the effect is not permanent .... 6112474f3d357095641851.jpeg6112476c9eced921515870.jpeg

Look at the screenshot at the bottom .... This is the site kupimore.ru this error can be seen on the main page and in the news section. Other browsers work well .. I don’t know what to sin on, since everything is fine on the Comp. Can anyone come across?

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