SergeyLev2014-11-21 02:14:01
SergeyLev, 2014-11-21 02:14:01

Why is the site not working after changing PHP from 5.2 to 5.3?

After updating the PHP version from 5.2 to 5.3, the site stopped working.
Site si-kom.ru, content, self-written CMS with modx elements
I look at the .htaccess file

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^si-kom.ru
RewriteRule (.*) www.si-kom.ru/$1 [R= 301,L]
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-daikin-kondicioneri-daikin-cli\.htm$ np.php?id=1
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-mitsubishi-kondicioneri-mitsubishi-electric\.htm$ np.php?id =2
RewriteRule ^npage/montaj-kondicionerov-montaj-kondicionerov-cli\.htm$ np.php?id=3
RewriteRule ^npage/promishlennie-kondicioneri-promishlennie-kondicioneri-prais\.htm$ np.php?id=4
RewriteRule ^ npage /obslujivanie-kondicionerov-i-ventiljacii-servisnoe-obslujivanie-kondicionerov-i-ventiljacii\.htm$ np.php?id=5 =6
RewriteRule ^npage/prodaja-ventiljacionnogo-oborudovanija\.htm$ np.php?id=7
RewriteRule ^npage/kanalnii-kondicioner-mitsubishi-kondicioneri-kanalnogo-tipa\.htm$ np.php?id=8
RewriteRule ^ npage/kondicioneri-mitsubishi-heavy\.htm$ np.php?id=9
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-kentatsu\.htm$ np.php?id=10
RewriteRule ^npage/montaj-kondicionerov-cena-kupit-split- sistemu\.htm$ np.php?id=11
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-lg-art-cool\.htm$ np.php?id=12
RewriteRule ^npage/ustanovka-kondicionera-split-sistemi\.htm$ np .php?id=13
RewriteRule ^npage/kassetnie-kondicioneri-daikin\.htm$ np.php?id=14
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-general\.htm$ np.php?id=15
RewriteRule ^npage/oborudovanie-sistem-ventiljacii-i- kondicionirovanija\.htm$ np.php?id=16
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioner\.htm$ np.php?id=17
RewriteRule ^npage/montaj-sistem-ventiljacii-i-kondicionirovanija\.htm$ np.php?id =18
RewriteRule ^npage/vozduhoochistiteli-daikin\.htm$ np.php?id=19
RewriteRule ^npage/remont-ventiljacii-i-kondicionirovanija\.htm$ np.php?id=20
RewriteRule ^npage/invertornie-split- sistemi\.htm$ np.php?id=21
RewriteRule ^npage/potolochnie-kondicioneri\.htm$ np.php?id=22
RewriteRule ^npage/nastennie-split-sistemi\.htm$ np.php?id=23
RewriteRule ^npage/krishnie-kondicioneri\.htm$ np.php?id=24
RewriteRule ^npage/centralnie-kondicioneri\.htm$ np.php?id=25
RewriteRule ^npage/universalnie-kondicioneri\.htm$ np.php ?id=26
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-split-sistemi\.htm$ np.php?id=27
RewriteRule ^npage/kondicioneri-mcquay\.htm$ np.php?id=28
RewriteRule ^npage/multi-split- sistemi-mitsubishi\.htm$ np.php?id=29
RewriteRule ^npage/ventiljacionnie-sistemi-i-oborudovanie\.htm$ np.php?id=30
RewriteRule ^npage/ventiljacija-wolf\.htm$ np.php ?id=31
RewriteRule ^npage/ventiljacija-alfa\.htm$ np.php?id=32
RewriteRule ^npage/ventiljacija-systemair\.htm$ np.php?id=33
RewriteRule ^npage/ventiljacija-remak\.htm $np.php?id=34
RewriteRule ^npage/ventiljacija-kottedja\.htm$ np.php?id=35
RewriteRule ^npage/chiller-fankoil-obslujivanie-chillerov\.htm$ np.php?id=36
RewriteRule ^npage/sistemi-vrvchilleri-ndash- ceni\.htm$ np.php?id=37
RewriteRule ^npage/multizonalnie-sistemi-multizonalnie-sistemi-vrv\.htm$ np.php?id=38
RewriteRule ^npage/parouvlajnitel-condair\.htm$ np.php ?id=39
RewriteRule ^npage/pritochno-vitjajnie-sistemi\.htm$ np.php?id=40
RewriteRule ^npage/servisnoe-obslujivanie-kondicionerov\.htm$ np.php?id=41
RewriteRule ^arhiv.htm$ np.php?id=arhiv
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !arhiv.htm
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !npage
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !np\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !yandex_6bc439062dbab705\.html
RewriteRule ^(.+)?$ index.php

#---------------------------------------------------- ----
#----PHP display errors enabling
php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting 2047

#------------------------------ ------------
#----PCRE limit values ​​fix for PHP 5.2
php_value pcre.backtrack_limit 100000000000
php_value pcre.recursion_limit 100000000000

#-------------- ----------------------
#----PHP memory limit increase
php_value memory_limit 512M

#---------- --------------------------------
#----PHP other standard limits
php_value post_max_size 128M
php_value upload_max_filesize 64M

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7 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-11-21
Protko @Fesor

Without error, one can only guess. Look at the logs.
Of course, you can arm yourself with an upgrade guide and check all the options, but this is tedious for a long time and it is better to find error messages.

Optimus, 2014-11-21
Pyan @marrk2

Now they are switching to 5.6, and you are on version 5.3))

neolink, 2014-11-21

it looks like gzip is somehow crookedly working for you, well, before the response is output, there is still a load of warnings:

<b>Deprecated</b>:  Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in <b>/home/u98623/
si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/Generic.php</b> on line <b>113</b><br />
<br />
<b>Deprecated</b>:  Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in <b>/home/u98623/
si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/Generic.php</b> on line <b>133</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method DbSimple_Generic::connect() should not be called statica
lly in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/initDB.php</b> on line <b>6</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method DbSimple_Generic::parseDSN() should not be called static
ally in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/Generic.php</b> on line <b>89</b><br />
<br />
<b>Deprecated</b>:  Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in <b>/home/u98623/
si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/Mysql.php</b> on line <b>70</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method DbSimple_Generic::parseDSN() should not be called static
ally, assuming $this from incompatible context in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/Mys
ql.php</b> on line <b>35</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method CMS::getPersistParameter() should not be called statical
ly in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/initDB.php</b> on line <b>25</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method CMS::getPersistParameter() should not be called statical
ly in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/library/DbSimple/initDB.php</b> on line <b>25</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method PageHandle::getAllByURI() should not be called staticall
y in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/index.php</b> on line <b>12</b><br />
<br />
<b>Strict Standards</b>:  Non-static method PageHandle::validateURI() should not be called staticall
y in <b>/home/u98623/si-kom.ru/www/library/PageHandle/PageHandle.php</b> on line <b>45</b><br />

so try also display_error off to do

Nazar Mokrinsky, 2014-11-21

He wants PHP 5.5 at least

tushev, 2014-11-21

Moving from PHP 5.2 to 5.3 has almost always been accompanied by problems. Too many changes were made between these versions. I do not remember that the transitions between other versions would be so problematic.
In some cases, problems arose due to the fact that 5.3 is more demanding on the correctness of the code, and therefore sprinkles with warnings and warnings. Sometimes the problems are deeper.

Georgy Vizov, 2015-10-16

How did it stop working? Doesn't open, does it give an error? :)

Evgeny Nikolaev, 2019-05-23

PHP 5.3 is still fine - you can work with it.
After you upgraded from PHP 5.2, you may have lost php modules, such as php-mysql php-gd and others. Thus, you need to deliver all the libraries that you had in PHP 5.2
PS It is strange, of course, that in 2019 you found PHP 5.2 somewhere, it would be nice to have 5.3 which, if I’m not mistaken, is installed on CentOs 6 by default, but PHP 5.2 is where you got it from ?

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